My Story
What is one thing about your work that most people don't know?
Most people don't know that I deal with a lot of rich and irrational customers. Who ask me igrront questions and judge me based on my looks. Even sometimes I'll get people who wouldn't even wanna check out with me. Which makes you wonder is it because they think there better than me because of they color of their skin
What makes you most proud of the work you do?
What makes me proud is the fact that I work hard for my money. Being a collage student and also working is more than so to be able to balance it is great. I also love helping people I get parents who come their not knowing what to get their children. And I love helping them find something and then having them come back and say how much they're kids loved it and I was such a help it makes my dah to help people. a full time thing it's a another job basically