My Story
What is one thing about your work that most people don't know?
I work from home and when people hear that, so many say things like, "Oh, I could never do that. I'd just do laundry and clean all day. I'd get so distracted." But my work is too intense for distraction. It requires such a high level of focus that at least of couple of times a week, I forget to eat. I love eating and I always have something delicious in the fridge, so for me, that's really saying something.
What makes you most proud of the work you do?
In the abstract, I think of "work" as what people do to make a living, survive. But when I put it in a personal context, I think of "my work" as what I contribute to the world in a professional context. I don't think of money first or making the means to pay the mortgage and buy clothes for my kids. I think of the things that I want to make real in the world. The things I do to realize my aspirations for peace, justice, equality, human rights—almost always in a future context. What do I want to make happen tomorrow? And being able to do that is a very lucky thing.