My Story
What is one thing about your work that most people don't know?
Although people assume that being a professional dancer is rigorous. I think for most, there is a misconception of the level of physical, mental, and emotional effort that actually exists in sustaining as a dancer. Dancer's are also professional mutli-taskers. Having to be good at multiple skills and jobs in order to create a living for themselves.
What makes you most proud of the work you do?
I am most proud that as a dancer and choreographer, I am able to inspire others through my most authentic medium of body and mind. I love challenging people's thoughts and perceptions of the world and themselves through my abilities to arrange movement vocabulary and expression.To create something for others to have a higher understanding or experience of something for even a moment in time so that they can walk away with a bit of their own magic and empowerment, is what I live and "work" for.