My Story
What is one thing about your work that most people don't know?
I guess what so many non-teachers don't know about this job is just how many hats committed teachers wear. Unquestionably, I am not only teacher, but also mentor, counselor, parent, cheerleader, nurse, and, in many cases, eventually a friend. I respond to eager students' emails about Roman history at midnight, I travel with a band of the to tournaments at places like Yale, and I occasionally even do whacky things like shave my head for one of their charitable events. School is (and should be) family.
What makes you most proud of the work you do?
For me work is vocation. Yes, I know I am one of the lucky bastards who not only believes in the goodness of what I do as a benefit to society but also love every minute of it. Each and every, I am engaged in learning, questioning, and growing, all while making a difference in the lives of students. Who could ask for more?