My Story
What is one thing about your work that most people don't know?
I am an adjunct community college instructor teaching human physiology; however, I don't have a single hour of college credits in anatomy or physiology courses. I got a BA in Biology, and a Masters degree in Science Education and happened to get hired to teach at a high school that offered anatomy and physiology so I was assigned the course and loved teaching it. I left teaching after 10 years and worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 24 years before retiring. Upon retiring I went back to doing the most satisfying and meaningful work I've ever done...teaching science to others and helping them use it as needed for their own careers.
What makes you most proud of the work you do?
I get the greatest pride from knowing I can open my community college students' eyes to the wonders of the human body as well as its diseases and treatments. I still am fascinated reading about physiology and medicine. I hope to be able to do this well into my 60's or early 70's (I'm almost 66 as of this writing) as I firmly believe it is healthy for my mind and spirit.