My Story
What is one thing about your work that most people don't know?
Music as play/work gives everyone—musician and listener—a doorway to be in touch with sounds that can stir the soul, and if we're really attuned with what we hear, and feel it all the way through the body, it instantly reveals how deeply we can be moved by the source of who we are. It gives us the space and permission to dance, work/play and sing our way through life as only we can do. What a wonder, eh? :-)
What makes you most proud of the work you do?
Music is my lifeblood. It's something I've been given to do all my life. It always makes my heart feel full of wonder and curiosity. It constantly informs me how precious and delicious life is. Work is play. Play is work. Our voices, and the expressions of sounds we make as an infinite number of instruments, all come from the same breath.